Trucking is website template dedicated to trucking and logistics companies. It offers a wide range of different layouts and elements to provide endless options of arranging and displaying your content.
Trucking comes with 10 predefined color combinations which you can use. There are two color layouts and single color layouts. Icons you see on the services are svg images and you can change it's color by editing a single line in css file. All colors are placed in separate css file to make your customization quick and easy.
Trucking includes several hompeage options plus a great number of other pages so it can be used for both small and large logistics and trucking companies. There is a vehicle fleet gallery which is specific for trucking companies and for example, locations layout which is specific for large logistics companies.
We take care of our items and update them on a regular basis. Weather there is a new feature or a quick fix, the updates are quick.
Trucking company offers the best logistics services using all mens of supply chain. Use our overland, ocean and air freight solutions for shipment of your goods.
Best customer support and response time I have ever seen...not to mention a kick ass theme! Great feeling from this purchase. Thank you Pixel Industry!
Thanks for developing products to help many people to work as I do. Thank you! Success for all! I did not need to use the support, this never happened to me. Pocket Theme bought today for another client, very good too! Hug!
We have several sites now built in Elvyre across several servers and have had almost zero issues. The documentation is great and the featureset is phenomenal. It is the best looking pro-level and fairly easy-to-implement advanced theme we are currently regularly using. The end product is great and easy to use and configure. Highly recommended...